Fuel filter water separators are essential for anyone who has a gas fueled engine. The presence of contaminants in our fuel supply has made it necessary to find ways to remove these contaminants. While there are some technologies that have been around for many years, others like a solid fuel gas separator that can be attached to your gas tank. Let's look at how different types of fuel filter water separators work. You can view here for more information about the best fuel filter water separators to keep their cars running smoothly.
Most gasoline sold today contains hydrocarbons or gasoline. Unfortunately, most of these petroleum-based products are highly flammable and also have a tendency to deteriorate into poisonous gasses. Your car needs fuel filter water separators to remove any potentially flammable gases, particulates or other combustible materials from the fuel before it makes it into your tank. The problem is that most fuel filter water separators cannot effectively remove all the combustible materials from your fuel. What they can do is reduce the amount of hydrocarbons present.
The first type of fuel filter water separator was invented by NASA to separate liquids that were contaminated with fuel. NASA scientists discovered that if they injected diesel fuel into an area where there was an existing fire, the hydrocarbon content would be reduced. Later tests showed that this method also reduced the amount of hydrocarbons present in the treated liquid. The only drawback was that you had to wait for quite a long time until the fuel was separated.
Another type is called Fuel Conditioner Separator (FCS). This device separates liquid fuel from the air using electrolysis. The air is passed through a small tube and the liquid fuel is removed via a drain line. This type of separator has been found to be effective in many cases. However, it is not very efficient in removing sulfur and carbon monoxide since these substances are insoluble in water.
The last type of fuel filter water separator is commonly used today. It uses carbon rods to separate fuel from water. Carbon absorption is the major problem with this type of device as it contributes to sludge formation and thus affects the efficiency of fuel separation. Nevertheless, the cost of implementing carbon absorption filtration systems in almost all the factories using diesel fuel makes them economical in the long run.
One more type of fuel filter water separator is used to clean oxidizer-free diesel fuel. Oryzanol is one of the popular active ingredients used in these types of systems. It is a highly effective means to separate hydroxyl radicals from fuel. You may also hear the term morphogens. These are compounds that are activated by an enzyme reaction to form alcohols and chloramines. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil%E2%80%93water_separator.